As much as I would love to make a different dessert every day, that is not possible. So I am going to also include in my blog different cool things that are happening in the world of desserts (primarily cupcakes, but also other desserts). Today, I want to show off 5 super cool cupcakes, as well as talk about 5 different techniques or recipes that I want to try.
5 Cool Cupcakes
1. Princess and the Frog Cupcakes
-These adorable cupcakes come from Cupcakes-A-Go-Go on flickr. If you have seen this movie, I think you will appreciate the bright colors and choice of characters that were used in making these cakes. They are simple, yet they demonstrate the whimsical feel of a movie which I really enjoy.
2. True Blood Cupcakes
-These amazing cakes come from Sweet Avenue Bakeshop. They are to celebrate season 3 of True Blood, and I am in love with them. I am currently obsessed with finding vampire themed cupcakes, and these are some of the best out there. With any vampire cupcakes, there should be an abundance of red, and these cupcakes deliver! They also include the best character in the show (Eric, of course), and the popular vampire bar, Fangtasia!
3. Harry Potter Cupcakes
-I have been looking for the perfect Harry Potter themed cupcakes for a while, and these come pretty close. I love the lightening bolts, but most of all, I enjoy the cute figures of Ron, Harry, and Hermione. They remind me of Potter Puppet Pals. I'm still looking for ones that have more of the Harry Potter elements, so if you see any good ones, let me know!
4. Spaghetti and Meatballs Cupcakes
-I have a weird fascination with cupcakes that look like other foods. I don't know why, but they blow my mind every time I encounter them. This set is particularly cool. These spaghetti and meatballs cupcakes come from the book Hello, Cupcake and are ridiculously lifelike. Apparently, they involve some sort of combination of frosting, jam, and chocolate, but they look like noodles and meatballs to me!
5. Toadstool House Cupcake
-I found this cupcake when I looked up "amazing cupcakes," and I think it is truly amazing. This cupcake comes from Zalita {away}'s flickr, and pretty much everything she does is amazing. She does a lot of work with nature, fairy tales, princesses, and basically anything else.